Mipony is a free download manager specially designed to automate the downloading of files of free host sites such as Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfiles and many others..
Step one.
Download mipony from here [mipony] and install it.
Step two.
Once you have found the files to download, copy the text that contains the links (you can also copy the web address where the files are)
Paste the text with the links to "add links" and click on "paste and detect link". This step is not necessary if you have activated the option "capture". You can also paste the web address that contains the files to download, such as http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E9XF7MHA
Once this step is finished, the program detects the links and checks that the servers are available, if they are, they will have the check in green
Last step.
Then, click on "download".
In this way, they are added to the download list and can be viewed in the screen "Downloads".
Once the files have been downloaded, if they have to be joined, you can activate “join files” and a window will be opened where you have to select them, choose the location where you want to save the result and click on "Start".
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